MAQ- Garbage bag art work

Here is some more examples of Garbage bag artwork, this one is in Japan! You can buy 10 of these bags for about $3.00 a piece at These bags act as instant works of disposal art when people place them on the streets filled with their garbage. Japan divides their trash into three different…

Chemical Free Tile Cleaner

Store bought tile cleaners have dozens of chemicals in them linked to cancer, reproductive damage, and hormonal harm. Here is a homemade recipe to keep your home chemical free. ½ cup baking soda Liquid soap (Dr. Bronner’s) 5 to 10 drops of pure essential oil Place baking soda in a bowl; slowly pour in liquid…

The Bag Ban

The Bag Ban A couple weeks ago we all put away our Halloween decorations, I don’t know about you but we have a special place in our basement for them… I don’t know about you but we have a special place for all of that stuff, where rubbermaid bins go to die. This year while…

Ephemeral Folk by Diane Kurzyna

Make Art Not Waste! Diane Kurzyna’s work consisted of four different archetypal figures that were placed throughout the city of Olympia in different ways. She didn’t only use bubble wrap but a variety of recyclable’s: plastic wrap, used bubble wrap, tape etc. She mentions that the pieces become a metaphor for life “their presence a…

The Bag Lady

Here is another fun idea of art that is made with plastic bags! This is a dress that has been knitted entirely of plastic bags that artist Kathy Kasdan has created. All of the bags come from the same grocery store. She mentions in this article that as soon as she mentioned that she could…

The Gyre Project :

Creating Art from a Plastic Ocean This video shows the side effects that our generation has on the planet and in nature. As the artists explore what is supposed to be one of the most beautiful ocean spots on earth, they are disgruntled by the amount of garbage. One of the first examples we see…

Maggot Art

While thinking so much about garbage bags, it got me to thinking about what happens with garbage bags…. unfortunately, the first thought I had was about maggots. This is a piece that has been created by children as part of a festival about insects, in London, England. I chose this one because he let the…

“Shed Bird Stomach Contents” by Susan Middleton

Although this piece does not have much to do with sustainable cleaning products, I found this work very valuable to the idea of sustainability as well as the actual physical clean up we do in our houses. We all have a ‘junk drawer’ or a glove department in our car, that once a year becomes…

Make your own Paint

Easy as one, two, three, four 1. 1 cup salt 2. 1 cup flour 3. 1 cup water 4. food colouring I find you get two different looks whether you use boiling water, or cold water. Experiment and have some fun! It gives a very different look on a canvas compared to acrylic/ oil which…

Are there toxic chemicals in your home cleaning products?

Are there toxic chemicals in your home cleaning products? The David Suzuki foundation created an online survey to help you to discover what types toxic chemicals could be in your own home. Over 10,500 people participated in this survey giving information on more than 15,000 types of cleaning products. Here are some interesting facts: Only…